Pregnancy & Post Partum

Pregnancy is associated with hormone fluctuations and changes that promote the growth of the uterus and fetus but can result in musculoskeletal changes in a woman’s body. Sometimes these changes result in intermittent or chronic pain. These are some common ailments that can accompany pregnancy:

• Low back pain 

• Pelvic girdle pain 

• Pubic symphysis pain

• Leg cramps or Restless Leg Syndrome

• Round ligament pain 

• Varicosities 

• Transient osteoporosis

A healthy pregnancy also involves effective sitting and sleeping positions, activity modifications, and dietary changes. Physical Therapy is an excellent resource to build or maintain the abdominal, hip, and back strength required to carry a growing baby! Pregnancy does not have to result in excessive pain, and it is our goal to educate and support our expecting mothers through this transformative stage of life.