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Manual Therapy

Manual therapy includes joint, nerve and soft tissue mobilization with the therapist's hands, or in some cases, instuments. Manual therapy can increase range of motion, reduce or eliminate soft tissue inflammation, improve tissue repair, and facilitate movement. Joint mobilization may specifically assist in increasing range of motion by stretching the tissues causing the limitation, increasing synovial fluid (“joint oil”), changing the firing patterns of the mechanoreceptors, and increasing blood flow to the surrounding tissues. Soft tissue manual therapy targets muscle, fascia, and ligaments to improve mobility, decrease restrictions including trigger points, and increase blood flow to the area allowing improved delivery of oxygen and nutrients and removing the waste products such as lactic acid. Nerve mobilization helps to allow proper gliding of the nerves through their pathways in the body reducing the pain caused by the restriction. Any one of these specific types, or combination of these types of manual therapy may fit your treatment plan. Our extensive training in manual techniques helps us assess which techniques are the most effective for treating your specific condition.